What are your absolute favorite things? I'm talking about those items that spark inspiration in you, not people or animals, but tangible objects that ignite creativity in your soul.

Let me preface this inquiry with a personal note. Lately, I've been grappling with a sense of lost inspiration, as if it's slipped through my fingers or been tucked away somewhere. To those who know me, my mom had a horrific accident 3 days before Christmas, this past year. Two full on craniotomy’s later, she is with us, and with it but she still can’t hear. My mom and I are very close, we talk multiple times a day, so not be able to ‘talk’ with her on the phone and ask a simple question about a chicken recipe, or gardening question has been heartbreaking. To me, my mom is one of the greatest sources of inspiration in my life. She is effortlessly chic, hilarious, timeless, she’s a master gardener and can outcook Ina Gartner and Julia Child any day of the week, just to start.

So I ask myself again, what THINGS bring me inspiration…

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