I'm Larah, thrilled to have you here in my little corner of the internet. A proud boy mom and wife currently residing in Denver, Colorado, with dreams of trading mountain views for the charming streets of Paris.

Living Larah, is my passion-filled lifestyle blog! Here, I invite you to explore a myriad of delights – from DIY inspirations to home styling secrets, scrumptious recipes, wine picks, and a peek into the wonderfully chaotic world of being a boy mom (with a dash of niece adventures featuring Coco). Gardening tips, travel tales, and more await you in this vibrant space.

Living Larah began as my creative escape, born from the countless inquiries from friends and family seeking advice on home styling, fashion, recipes, and travel. I wanted to weave all these passions into a tapestry that inspires you to embrace the beauty of life.

As you explore Living Larah, my hope is that you find a wellspring of inspiration for your own beautiful life. From styling your home to savoring the flavors of life, I'm excited to share this journey with you.

Your presence is the heartbeat of this space. Thanks for joining me on this adventure. Here's to living a life that's as vibrant and beautiful as you are!

